
Under the Redwood Empire Dispatch Communications Authority Agreement for the Provision of Fire and Ambulance Dispatch Services, REDCOM is required to adhere to the following performance measures:
Answer Time Performance Criteria
Call Processing Time Performance Criteria
REDCOM consistently exceeds these standards.
Performance is reviewed by the Compliance Committee of the Dispatch Operations Advisory Group (DOAG) of the REDCOM Joint Powers Authority.

* 2016 Revised California State Call Answer Time Standards require 95% of incoming 911 calls shall be answered within fifteen (15) seconds. - REDCOM consistently exceeds this standard.
** Call processing performance standards do not apply to calls for which it is unreasonable to expect compliance with the established standards. These calls shall be exempted and shall not be counted for the purpose of determining compliance. Such calls include, but are not limited to, calls from non-English speaking callers, non-eyewitness callers, impaired callers or young minors, calls for which no 911 data has been provided, calls where the CAD or other equipment has failed or malfunctioned and calls during periods of system overload.